GUI doesn't normalize rotation values when sequencing edges

Issue #7 resolved
lx45803 created an issue

The GUI sequencer doesn't normalize flame rotation to ±180°, so flames with large rotation values will spin wildly when animating. This works fine in embergenome (command: embergenome --sequence=animtest.xml --loops 0 --loopframes 0 --interploops 1 --interpframes=639 > animate.xml).

You can sequence from the command line then import the results into the sequencer, but this workflow is annoying for power users and likely unusable for novice users.

This is unlikely to affect people working with their own flames, and I'm only running into it because I'm primarily messing with the sheep, so I'll leave this one at minor.

Comments (3)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Are you building from source? The output of generating the sequence from the gui, then clicking save is the same output I get from the command line you provided. The "rotate" value is large in both of them.

    I think the problem is that in Fractorium I had a bug that I've since fixed. If you are building from source, can you update, build, and try again? If not, don't worry I will release a test version soon and you can try that.

  2. lx45803 reporter

    I'm running, but I can no longer reproduce this with the file I uploaded, or any others modified to have large rotate values. Not sure what to make of this. I guess close this one as invalid.

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