Rich edit does not support image pasting

Issue #11 closed
Matt Feemster repo owner created an issue

Apparently you can do this in a rich edit created from powershell. We need to make sure that same functionality works here.

Comments (8)

  1. Winter Laite

    Not sure what’s happening here, I tried to paste the file and it ended up in your post. Anyway, I haven’t been able to get it to run from the command line, just from PowerShell Studio. Sorry.

  2. Winter Laite

    Once again it ended up in your post, but smoke.ps1 creates the RichEdit that accepts rich text and images.

  3. Matt Feemster reporter

    Upon further investigation, it turns out there is no rich edit support in AHK. So we’ll have to add it to Keysharp.

  4. Matt Feemster reporter

    Initial commit for rich edit support is done. I’ve tested that I can paste a picture into it.

    The same options from "Edit" are supported with the following caveats:
    -Multiline is true by default.
    -WantReturn and Password are not supported.
    -Upper and lower case are supported, but only for key presses, not for pasting.

    I’m sure there will be specific issues down the road, so we’ll make individual tickets for them. But for closing this ticket, please verify by passing “RichEdit” to Gui.Add().

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