Groupbox controls are not positioned relative to groupbox

Issue #13 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

Apparently controls are positioned behind the groupbox rather than in it.


MyGui := Gui()
gb1 := MyGui.Add("GroupBox", "x10 y+10 w200 h200", "Group One")
MyGui.Add("Text", "xs+5 ys+20", "I am Godzilla")

Results form AHK and Keysharp are below.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    GroupBoxes are not fully implemented in Keysharp, and are broken in AHK anyway. So we are going to implement our own design which we think makes sense, and will be similar to how TabControl works.

  2. Winter Laite reporter

    Please mark resolved, close. Code:

    MyGui := Gui(, "Groupbox")
    gb1 := MyGui.Add("GroupBox", "x10 y10 w200 h100", "Group One")
    MyGui.Add("Text", , "Testing gb1")
    gb2 := MyGui.Add("GroupBox", "x10 y+10 w200 h100", "Group Two")
    MyGui.Add("Button", "cBlue s8", "Testing gb2")
    MyGui.Add("Text", , "Testing placement")
    MyGui.AddText("s14 cBlue", "This should be below.")
    gb3 := MyGui.Add("GroupBox", "x220 y10 w200 h100", "Group Three")
    MyGui.Add("Text", "xp", "Testing gb3")
    gb4 := MyGui.Add("GroupBox", "x220 w200 y120 h100", "Group Four")
    MyGui.Add("Text", "xp", "Testing gb4")
    MyGui.Show("w450 h300")

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