Edit control does not accept all window styles in declarations

Issue #38 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

Test code:

MyGui := Gui(, "KEYSHARP TESTS")
e1 := MyGui.Add("Edit", "w200 +0x20")
e2 := MyGui.Add("Edit", "w200 Password*")
e3 := MyGui.Add("Edit", "w200 h50")
ControlSetStyle("+0x8", e3.Hwnd)
e4 := MyGui.Add("Edit", "w200 h50 +0x8")

For AHK V2, you can often either set a control style in the declaration (e1 above) or use ControlSetStyle (e3).

With AHK, e1 and e2 show password-masked. With Keysharp only e2 is masked.

With AHK, e3 and e4 are restricted to uppercase. With Keysharp only e3 is restricted to uppercase.

Partial workaround is to use ControlSetStyle if the Style set in the declaration does not work.

This has not been exhaustively tested.

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