Icon libraries - no support

Issue #50 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

‘.icl’ doesn’t appear in the code anywhere. AHK supports them (at least in v1, not positive about v2)

A workaround is to extract icons from the .icl file with Resource Hacker and modify code accordingly.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    “.icl" is checked for on line 97 of ImageHelper.cs in Keysharp.Core.Common.ImageHelper.LoadImage().

    Are you filing this just because you didn’t find it in the code, or because you ran a test and it failed?

    If it’s the former, please close this ticket. If it’s the latter, please provide a test script to reproduce the problem.


  2. Winter Laite reporter

    Apologies. Culprit was actually the font in VS Code of all things. Code:

    MyGui := Gui("-DPIScale +E0x02080000", "Candy Progress")
    MyGui.BackColor := "FFCC00"
    CandyText := MyGui.Add("Text" ,"x20  y24 w436 h20 Center BackgroundTrans")
    ;Icon1 := MyGui.Add("Picture",  "x20 y20 w18  h36  BackgroundTrans", "Icon1.ico")
    Icon1 := MyGui.Add("Picture",  "x20 y20 w18  h36  BackgroundTrans Icon1", "cpIcons.icl")
    ;/* Gui, Add,   Pic,  x+   y20 w400 h36  BackgroundTrans Icon2, cpIcons.icl             ;left part
    Icon2 := MyGui.Add("Picture","x38 y20 w400 h36  BackgroundTrans", "Icon2.ico" )
    Icon3 := MyGui.Add("Picture", "x438 y20 w18 h36 BackgroundTrans", "Icon3.ico")
    MyGui.Show("w480 h100")

    In VS Code I thought the name of the .icl file was ‘cplcons’, not ‘cpIcons’. The two words look exactly the same here also. One is ‘cee-pee-eye’, one is ‘cee-pee-ell’.

    Please close, thanks.

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