TraySetIcon does not set icon.

Issue #53 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

TraySetIcon docs page is here.

Code shows icon in AHK v2.0-beta.7, but not in Keysharp. No errors thrown.

TraySetIcon(A_ScriptDir "\monkey.ico")

MyGui := Gui(, "Icon sanity")
MyEdit := MyGui.Add("Edit", "w200 h50", "I'm just taking up space.")

Comments (5)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    This works fine on my end. The icon in the tray is the monkey instead of the standard Keysharp icon.

    I am wondering if this is another Windows 10 Pro problem?

    I have a Windows 10 Pro machine I can test on.

  2. Winter Laite reporter

    I tried this any number of times yesterday, but it works fine today after rebooting.


    Please close.

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