EditGetLine fails if current line is empty.

Issue #70 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

Test script:

MyGui := Gui()

CZ_Edit1 := MyGui.Add("Edit", "x10 y10 w160 h100", "Edit controls tests")

CZ_LbBtn16 := MyGui.Add("Button", "w120 x10 y+10 h25", "Edit Line Text")
CZ_LbBtn16.OnEvent("Click", "GetLineText")


GetLineText() {
    CurrentLine := EditGetCurrentLine(CZ_Edit1, MyGui)
        CurrentLineText := EditGetLine(CurrentLine, CZ_Edit1, MyGui)
        MsgBox(CurrentLineText, "Current Line Text")
    catch as e  ; Handles the first error thrown by the block above.
        MsgBox("An error was thrown!`nSpecifically: " e.Message)
steps to reproduce
  1. Run script.
  2. Move to empty line in Edit.
  3. Click button.

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