ControlGetPos does not retrieve X or Y (possible cause for Issue #88?)

Issue #90 closed
Winter Laite created an issue

Working AHK:

MyGui := Gui(, "Get Positions")
Btn1 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y10", "X = 10 Y = 10")
Btn2 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y50", "X = 10 Y = 50")
Btn3 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y90 h40", "X = 10 Y = 90")

BtnShow := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y130", "Get positions")
BtnShow.OnEvent("Click", GetPos)


GetPos(*) {
    ControlGetPos(&X1, &Y1, &Width1, &Height1, Btn1, "Get Positions")
    ControlGetPos(&X2, &Y2, &Width2, &Height2, Btn2, "Get Positions")
    ControlGetPos(&X3, &Y3, &Width3, &Height3, Btn3, "Get Positions")
    MsgBox("Btn1: X=" X1 " Y=" Y1 " Width=" Width1 " Height=" Height1 "`nBtn2: X=" X2 " Y=" Y2 " Width=" Width2 " Height=" Height2 "`nBtn3: X=" X3 " Y=" Y3 " Width=" Width3 " Height=" Height3, "Positions")

Keysharp test (X and Y report as 0, Width and Height correctly reported).

MyGui := Gui(, "Get Positions")
Btn1 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y10", "X = 10 Y = 10")
Btn2 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y50", "X = 10 Y = 50")
Btn3 := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y90 h40", "X = 10 Y = 90")

BtnShow := MyGui.Add("Button", "x10 y130", "Get positions")
BtnShow.OnEvent("Click", "GetPos")


GetPos() {
    pos1 := ControlGetPos("X = 10 Y = 10", "Get Positions")
    pos2 := ControlGetPos("X = 10 Y = 50", "Get Positions")
    pos3 := ControlGetPos("X = 10 Y = 90", "Get Positions")
    MsgBox("X: " pos3["X"] " Y: " pos3["Y"] " Width: " pos3["Width"] " Height: " pos3["Height"])

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