Private posts not in timeline

Issue #110 resolved
Tony Jensen created an issue

This MIGHT be a duplicate of something else but I am documenting it separately to make sure this gets noticed.

Marco, you sent me (Tony) a private message asking about "being out next week". I can see this message in my (web) mentions page but it is NOT showing up in Tentr. Neither in Stream nor in Mentions.

This gives credence to your statement that you have not been receiving all of my private messages either.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say this has to do with the "timeline gaps" as referenced in issue #51 (and duplicate issue #93).

Once a gap is created, it feels as the though app is helpless and unable to fill it.

Comments (7)

  1. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Tentr will have local notifications (alerts when app is running on the background) so the user doesn't miss any mentions.

    This will be also configurable in a settings screen - under Me tab.

  2. Tierney Coren

    I was going to suggest a separate settings page; should I still do that, or do are you already aware of the issue? I have a few suggestions of settings you could put into it.

  3. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    @Tierney Please open a ticket for each setting you think would make sense to make available to the end user.

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