The profile tab doesn't work on iPad at all

Issue #185 duplicate
Tony Jensen created an issue

It won't let me choose it even after force quitting the app and trying again.

Comments (6)

  1. Tony Jensen reporter

    (Reply via

    I am seriously confused by this one because normally the iPhone and iPad behave in similar ways. But on my iPad, I cannot get to the Profile page at all. Ever. It won't go there.

    I've force quit the app probably three times, which normally helps resolve some of the UI quirks, but not this time.

  2. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Currently, the new custom tabs are not yet ready for iPad. They are stretched out on the screen, which they shouldn't.

    Try to tap a little bit on the right from the middle of the center tab. For the Stream, do the same but on the left side.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    It works for me. I just had to tap in random places along the stretched tab bar (as reported in #180).

  4. Tony Jensen reporter

    (Reply via

    Okay, I CAN get to the Profile tab on iPad now thanks to your hints. #185 can be closed.

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