Infinite scrolling jump to bottom and loads more

Issue #204 resolved
Tony Jensen created an issue

When you reach the bottom of the stream, Tentr automatically begins loading more. This is wonderful.

But once the load is complete, the list jumps to the bottom of those posts intead of staying where it was.

Then Tentr begins loading another batch of posts. Then jumps to the bottom again. Ad infinitum.

Comments (3)

  1. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Tentr should only load 10 posts each time you reach the bottom.

    When it grabs those 10, it just jumps to show you only the first 2 posts from the 10 you just loaded.

    Please confirm

  2. Tony Jensen reporter

    (Reply via

    Interesting. I was wrong.

    On iPhone, it loads 10 and shows the prior two posts at the top of the screen. (As you said it would.)

    On iPad, it loads 10 and shows the prior two posts at the BOTTOM of the screen. Every time it loads, this happens. Weird?

    Tony Jensen

  3. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    To avoid any visual confusion, I disabled the scrolling to the new posts. Will have to think a bit more on how to enhance this.

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