Weirdness with Show more Posts

Issue #222 resolved
Tony Jensen created an issue

(Release 30) When I tap on Show more Posts, nothing happens. No network activity. Nothing.

After I tap it a few times, the interface locks up. Sometimes I can press the home button, re-enter the app, and it'll work. Sometimes I have to force quit the app.

Either way, when I get back to the app, THERE ARE MORE POSTS. Baffling to me.

(The "loading more" at the bottom seems to work EVERY TIME. It's solid.)

Comments (5)

  1. Tony Jensen reporter

    I THINK what is happening here is that when the app crashes, it only keeps the newest 30 posts. When the app relaunches, and I scroll to the bottom, the rock-solid "Loading More" action takes over and builds the next page.

    So "show more posts" is not working.

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