"New Post" page

Issue #26 resolved
Tierney Coren created an issue

I'm not sure what the "Private" toggle does in "New Post," but having an @ button would be ideal. Would it  be possible to have standard buttons in the area above the keyboard? If so, that's how I'd like to see an @ button implemented. You could also probably fit a shield button in there instead of the privacy toggle.

Comments (4)

  1. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Waht exactly would the @ do? Same as the twitter app? If so, it could only suggest you entities that you follow or are following (already known entities).

  2. Tierney Coren reporter

    Sorry, I put @ reflexively. ^ would work, or even tagging outside of the content might work. Some method to tag through the UI is needed. I would make it so the app pulls from who you are following and people that have mentioned you within your current loaded mentions feed.

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