Autocomplete bugs

Issue #310 resolved
Tony Jensen created an issue

The new autocomplete on iPhone seriously rocks! But there are a few bugs on the iPad version.

  1. As soon as you press the person silhouette to begin autocomplete, the caret appears (^) and the list of names shows up. Look at the screen shot and see the white column that runs down the left side. Really strange.

  2. Press enter to start a new line and then press the silhouette again. A space is added before the caret. Normally we want the space but at the beginning of a new line, it is not required.

  3. Once typing has started, the author never shows up again. If I start autocomplete and type "tony" I see Tony S but not Tony Jensen. (But Tony Jensen DOES show up as soon as I START autocomplete).

  4. "no" does not bring up

Comments (8)

  1. Tony Jensen reporter

    To be clear, the biggest problem is with landscape orientation.

    On iPhone, the list of names is off to the right too far.

    On iPad, the list of names starts below the caret (exactly where it SHOULD be) but the avatars are covered up as you type. Then, on orientation change, that list of names jumps over to the right-hand side of the screen. I can reproduce this behavior on command.

  2. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    The name list moving to the right is intentional. This should make more space as landscape takes height space away to write.

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