Can't see posts for someone I don't follow

Issue #338 resolved
Tony Jensen created an issue

I reposted the "put out the fire. grab the poles... #tentr" post from ^

Later, I decided to look him up. In the timeline, I tapped on his avatar which brought up his profile. I see his avatar and stats (67 posts, follows 24, 11 followers).

But when I tap on "All Posts", the screen spins and nothing ever happens. There was network activity for one second and then nothing.

I should point out that I don't follow ^mat.

Comments (6)

  1. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Fixes #338: entities not being followed need different api call

    Fix: user url property added to Tent spec of "profile/basic" as website_url

    → <<cset 38b16c5c30b2>>

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