Scroll to top by tapping bar at top

Issue #364 resolved
Beau Simensen created an issue

Unless there is another shortcut I cannot see any way to quickly scroll to the top of the feed. I'm used to this in most of the apps I use. If there is another way to do it that didn't jump out at me I'm happy to try it out. :)

Comments (4)

  1. Tony Jensen

    I don't know which beta version Marco is using for 1.1 but in the beta version I am using, tapping the bar at the top DOES scroll to top again.

  2. Beau Simensen reporter

    That is great if it is fixed. I don't have the beta :( so it is entirely possible that this is available and fixed in 1.1. :)

  3. Beau Simensen reporter

    So... for some reason this started working tonight. Is that possible? I don't have any idea why, but I'm 99% positive that this was an issue yesterday and this morning.

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