Refresh mechanism completely broken

Issue #393 open
Tony Jensen created an issue

Something is wrong with the entire mechanism for updating the timeline and mentions.

It is hard to specify what is wrong because it is rarely working at all.

Sometimes pulling down says "working" even though it isn't and the app won't allow the pull-to-refresh arrow to turn UP and perform a refresh.

Sometimes the "working" spinner spins forever.

I've seen two "loading" spinners one above the other.

Comments (10)

  1. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Is this agains't the latest build 14? I can't reproduce any of the issues you mentioned.

  2. Tony Jensen reporter

    Is there a place in the app where I can see the version number? I think the answer is yes but am not certain.

    It may be time to uninstall and reinstall.

  3. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Sorry, there's not. The build number is automatically created by testflight.

    Let me know how it goes after reinstall.

  4. Tony Jensen reporter


    Deleted app. Reinstalled using TestFlight. Authenticated. That all worked.

    At this point both the timeline and mentions tabs showed "Loading" for five minutes. I just let the app keep trying but the network indicator stopped spinning after 15 seconds or so. See the screenshots.

    Then I went to the profile tab and it successfully loaded post counts. It also successfully loaded my posts. So I went back to timeline and mentions and they had finally returned posts.

    I don't know what this means.

  5. Tony Jensen reporter

    "4 new posts" message shows up. Tapped on the message and message changed to loading or working. Spinner spun for a while but no new posts show up. Instead, "4 new posts" shows again.

    Tapped on the message again. Spinner spun and the posts appeared.

  6. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Did you resume the app before "4 new posts" appeared and tapped on it for the first time?

  7. Marco Ferreira repo owner

    Ok, so there's nothing wrong with the app. What's happening is: App is still processing data in the background.

    I think the real issue here is the message that is not clear and misleading. This is also related to issue #379

  8. Tony Jensen reporter

    There is still something fishy happening. Just now, I pulled to refresh Mentions. While Tentr was working on that request, I pulled to refresh Stream. It wouldn't let me, saying "Working. Please wait." After the mentions update completed, I tried Stream again and it gave the same message. Even after minutes of waiting, I still can't update Stream.

    The Mention tab won't refresh either. The message text says "Release to refresh" but when I release it does nothing.

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