Can only post once per force quit in official build

Issue #398 new
Tierney Coren created an issue

Whenever I create and submit a new post in the official Trion build (not the beta; that's still not working for me), I must force quit the app to make another new post.

The problem is especially bad with replies--there were two instances (here is one of the posts: of posts I was replying to that simply wouldn't allow me to submit the post. With the first post, I would just get a spinner that never went away. I could click "Cancel" and close the post without submitting it, which got rid of the spinner. With the second post (linked above), I would press the post button and nothing would happen.

This problem seemed like it also encountered a couple of other bugs that had to do with landscape mode. Whenever I turned my device back to portrait mode, the top line would always be clipped off, as if I had scrolled down on the textarea. If I switched back to landscape, it would remain clipped.

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