Inconsistent permissions

Issue #11 new
Adrian Reich created an issue

I installed bib (and the various other agalma dependencies) under an admin account on Ubuntu 14.04 in the default location /opt/bib/. Everything worked and the permissions in /opt/bib/active/bin/ where all rwx across the board. I then set up another user on the same machine in order to do analyses. I ran into a number of issues right away and I diagnosed it to many broken links within /opt/bib/active/bin. The permissions on the symbolic links were all fine, however, there were 26 links that were broken by folder permissions. 75% of the broken links were from samtools, partly because of this:

ls -lh /opt/bib/install/samtools/
drwxr-x--- 7 <admin> <admin> 4.0K May 15 13:56 0.1.19

However, once the permissions was corrected on that folder, other links were broken because a specific script did not have the permissions set correctly. So, please take a look at how the permissions are set during the installation of bib for all the necessary scripts as well as the nested folders.

Comments (2)

  1. Adrian Reich reporter

    In the end all of the broken links could be fixed with 4-5 chmods. An incomplete list of the offending folders (can't remember all, my shell crashed):

  2. Mark Howison repo owner

    We've run into this problem as well on Oscar. An easy fix should be to add

    chmod -R a+rX $PREFIX

    to the end of the installer script to update the permissions after installing a package.

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