Installation in openSUSE

Issue #16 wontfix
Jose Moreno created an issue

Since I'm using KDE.4, an openSUSE distribution that uses .rpm files for installing new softwares, it is being impossible to install BioBrew package. Sharing the scripts for installing BioBrew in openSUSE would be appreciate

Comments (3)

  1. Mark Howison repo owner

    Hi Jose, unfortunately I don't have any plans at this time to expand support beyond RedHat, Ubuntu, and OS X. Best, Mark

  2. christenrichard

    I found a fix for me : for Mint try cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=LinuxMint DISTRIB_RELEASE=17.2 DISTRIB_CODENAME=rafaela DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela"

    download the script localy I added the lines elif [ $(grep -c "^DISTRIB_RELEASE=17.2" /etc/lsb-release) -gt 0 ] then echo "Ubuntu 14 detected." OS="ubuntu14"

    and then ran it. It worked you may check that /opt/lib/ exists in SUSE


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