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bnpy-dev / demos / BarsToyData-FiniteTopicModel-Variational

Learning an LDA topic model on Toy Bars Data with variational inference


This demo walks you through using bnpy from within python to train a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model on bag-of-words data. We'll use the full-dataset variational inference algorithm.

We can use the following import statements to load bnpy.

import bnpy

from matplotlib import pylab
%pylab inline

imshowArgs = dict(interpolation='nearest',
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Toy dataset : BarsK10V900

We'll use a simple "toy bars" dataset called BarsK10V900, generated from the LDA topic model.

Our intended task here is to assign exactly one topic to every token. The data was generated this way.

Be aware that this is different than assigning a single cluster/topic to the entire document.

import BarsK10V900
Data = BarsK10V900.get_data(nDocTotal=1000, nWordsPerDoc=100) = 'BarsK10V900'

First, we can visualize the 10 "true" bar topics. Each one is a distribution over 900 vocabulary "words", which are represented here as individual pixels in a 30x30 image.

bnpy.viz.BarsViz.showTopicsAsSquareImages(BarsK10V900.Defaults['topics'], **imshowArgs);

Next, we can visualize some example documents. Here are 16 documents

bnpy.viz.BarsViz.plotExampleBarsDocs(Data, nDocToPlot=16, **imshowArgs);

Important keyword options for topic models


The initial number of topics (aka clusters) is determined by this integer. For finite models like LDA, once this is set, for the rest of the algorithm we will represent exactly this many topics in memory. We cannot add more, or remove any. Some topic's frequency parameters may be pushed to zero, but we will still represent them in the computer.


This string specifies the initialization procedure for the topic-word parameters. Here are the options

* kmeansplusplus [Recommended]

Runs kmeans on the empirical document word-count vectors, using the specified number of clusters \(K\).

* randexamples [Default]

Selects \(K\) documents at random without replacement. Can be bad because it does not

* randomlikewang

Draws each topic-word variational parameter vector \(\tau\) as a Gamma random variable. This is the same procedure used in Wang et al.'s original Python code for HDP topic models.

\begin{equation*} \qquad \qquad \tau_{kv} \sim \mbox{Gamma}(100), \forall k,v \end{equation*}


This positive scalar controls the sparsity of the Dirichlet prior on the document-topic assignments.

Set this value smaller (like 0.1 or smaller) to encourage more sparsity in these distributions.

Setting it large (like 10 or 100) will cause all the documents to use all the topics uniformly, which is bad.


This integer specifies how long to run the local "E" step algorithm, which alternately updates free variational parameters for (1) every token in the document, and (2) the document-specific topic distribution.

Larger values will let the algorithm converge more, but at the cost of more computation. Usually setting this to 10 is too small, while 200 would maybe be too large unless there are many many topics.


The local "E" step is run at each document, alternating the two steps above until the estimated document-topic counts for the document \([N_{d1} \ldots N_{dk} \ldots N_{dK}]\). We halt the iterations if all values in this vector change by less than convThrLP.

This value defaults to 0.01, which should be fine for most purposes.

Running inference with bnpy

We'll now fit a finite topic model (LDA) with a multinomial likelihood, using standard variational inference (specified by the VB keyword option).

We'll look at several possible initial numbers of clusters.

5 initial clusters, repeated for 2 trials

hmodel, RInfo =, 'FiniteTopicModel', 'Mult', 'VB',
                         K=5, alpha=0.1, lam=0.1, initname='kmeansplusplus',
                         nLap=500, printEvery=25, nCoordAscentItersLP=25,
                         nTask=2, jobname='demobarsVB-Kinit=5-kmeans')
Toy Bars Data with 10 true topics. Each doc uses 1-3 bars.
  size: 1000 units (documents)
  vocab size: 900
  min    5%   50%   95%   max
   68    76    85    92    99  nUniqueTokensPerDoc
  100   100   100   100   100  nTotalTokensPerDoc
Hist of word_count across tokens
      1      2      3    <10   <100  >=100
   0.84   0.14   0.02    200      0      0
Hist of unique docs per word type
     <1    <10   <100  <0.20  <0.50 >=0.50
      0      0   0.75   0.25      0      0
Allocation Model:  Finite LDA model with K=5 comps. alpha=0.10
Obs. Data  Model:  Multinomial over finite vocabulary.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Dirichlet over finite vocabulary
  lam = [ 0.1  0.1] ...
Learn Alg: VB
Trial  1/2 | alg. seed: 2497280 | data order seed: 8541952
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=5-kmeans/1
        1/500 after      1 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.497725357e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.474361847e+00 | Ndiff    256.402
       25/500 after      3 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.459785851e+00 | Ndiff      0.705
       37/500 after      5 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.459734310e+00 | Ndiff      0.048
... done. converged.
Trial  2/2 | alg. seed: 1128064 | data order seed: 7673856
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=5-kmeans/2
        1/500 after      0 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.605946952e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.580567563e+00 | Ndiff   1810.242
       25/500 after      4 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.548944331e+00 | Ndiff      1.797
       50/500 after      6 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.548918037e+00 | Ndiff      0.192
       75/500 after      8 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.548903603e+00 | Ndiff      0.164
       98/500 after     10 sec. | K    5 | ev -6.548881828e+00 | Ndiff      0.013
... done. converged.

10 initial clusters, repeated for 2 trials

hmodel, RInfo =, 'FiniteTopicModel', 'Mult', 'VB',
                         K=10, alpha=0.1, lam=0.1, initname='kmeansplusplus',
                         nLap=500, printEvery=25, nCoordAscentItersLP=25,
                         nTask=2, jobname='demobarsVB-Kinit=10-kmeans')
Toy Bars Data with 10 true topics. Each doc uses 1-3 bars.
  size: 1000 units (documents)
  vocab size: 900
  min    5%   50%   95%   max
   68    76    85    92    99  nUniqueTokensPerDoc
  100   100   100   100   100  nTotalTokensPerDoc
Hist of word_count across tokens
      1      2      3    <10   <100  >=100
   0.84   0.14   0.02    200      0      0
Hist of unique docs per word type
     <1    <10   <100  <0.20  <0.50 >=0.50
      0      0   0.75   0.25      0      0
Allocation Model:  Finite LDA model with K=10 comps. alpha=0.10
Obs. Data  Model:  Multinomial over finite vocabulary.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Dirichlet over finite vocabulary
  lam = [ 0.1  0.1] ...
Learn Alg: VB
Trial  1/2 | alg. seed: 2497280 | data order seed: 8541952
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=10-kmeans/1
        1/500 after      1 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.384955954e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.340769182e+00 | Ndiff    487.173
       25/500 after      5 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.294641929e+00 | Ndiff      2.642
       50/500 after      8 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.294527751e+00 | Ndiff      0.117
       54/500 after      9 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.294523143e+00 | Ndiff      0.049
... done. converged.
Trial  2/2 | alg. seed: 1128064 | data order seed: 7673856
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=10-kmeans/2
        1/500 after      1 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.308175604e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.262134141e+00 | Ndiff    467.564
       25/500 after      5 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.234179645e+00 | Ndiff      2.107
       50/500 after      8 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.234039377e+00 | Ndiff      0.527
       75/500 after     11 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.234010173e+00 | Ndiff      0.155
       98/500 after     14 sec. | K   10 | ev -6.233997917e+00 | Ndiff      0.044
... done. converged.

20 initial clusters, repeated for 2 trials

hmodel, RInfo =, 'FiniteTopicModel', 'Mult', 'VB',
                         K=20, alpha=0.1, lam=0.1, initname='kmeansplusplus',
                         nLap=500, printEvery=25, nCoordAscentItersLP=25,
                         nTask=2, jobname='demobarsVB-Kinit=20-kmeans')
Toy Bars Data with 10 true topics. Each doc uses 1-3 bars.
  size: 1000 units (documents)
  vocab size: 900
  min    5%   50%   95%   max
   68    76    85    92    99  nUniqueTokensPerDoc
  100   100   100   100   100  nTotalTokensPerDoc
Hist of word_count across tokens
      1      2      3    <10   <100  >=100
   0.84   0.14   0.02    200      0      0
Hist of unique docs per word type
     <1    <10   <100  <0.20  <0.50 >=0.50
      0      0   0.75   0.25      0      0
Allocation Model:  Finite LDA model with K=20 comps. alpha=0.10
Obs. Data  Model:  Multinomial over finite vocabulary.
Obs. Data  Prior:  Dirichlet over finite vocabulary
  lam = [ 0.1  0.1] ...
Learn Alg: VB
Trial  1/2 | alg. seed: 2497280 | data order seed: 8541952
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=20-kmeans/1
        1/500 after      1 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.259942731e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.188580434e+00 | Ndiff    553.015
       25/500 after      7 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.146453495e+00 | Ndiff      4.339
       50/500 after     11 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.146234090e+00 | Ndiff      0.115
       75/500 after     16 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.146224009e+00 | Ndiff      0.073
       99/500 after     20 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.146212419e+00 | Ndiff      0.049
... done. converged.
Trial  2/2 | alg. seed: 1128064 | data order seed: 7673856
savepath: /results/BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=20-kmeans/2
        1/500 after      1 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.251949641e+00 |
        2/500 after      1 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.183576703e+00 | Ndiff    719.873
       25/500 after      7 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.142806661e+00 | Ndiff      5.266
       50/500 after     11 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.142594683e+00 | Ndiff      0.627
       75/500 after     16 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.142519221e+00 | Ndiff      0.359
       96/500 after     19 sec. | K   20 | ev -6.142512753e+00 | Ndiff      0.049
... done. converged.

Compare trace plots of the objective over time.

Here, we plot the log evidence (sometimes called the evidence lower bound or ELBO). Here, larger objective scores indicate better model quality.

from matplotlib import pylab
%pylab inline

pylab.legend(loc='lower right');
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Conclusion: The initial number of topics matters! If we have too few topics, we cannot represent all the 10 true bars well, and the performance really suffers.

Compare the learned topic-word parameters at different values of K

We can use the plotCompsForTask function included in the visualization tools of bnpy to show the learned topic-word parameters.

Final learned clusters with \(K=5\) topics

bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsForTask('BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=5-kmeans/1/', **imshowArgs)

** Conclusion:** This run discovers the 10 ideal bars topics.

Final learned clusters with \(K=10\) topics

bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsForTask('BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=10-kmeans/1/', **imshowArgs)

Remarks: We've found some of the true topics, but other topics (like lower left) are blends of several bars, while others (far right) are redundant copies.

Final learned clusters with \(K=20\) topics

bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsForTask('BarsK10V900/demobarsVB-Kinit=20-kmeans/1/', **imshowArgs)

Remarks: We've found all 10 true topics, plus some extra "junk" or redundant topics.
