
Issue #1 new
Gulshan Singh created an issue

I've tried multiple binaries and I'm getting the following exception:


java -jar bindead.jar ascii_easy -d

Disassembled native (x86-32) code (12 instructions):

08048512:  55                                push   ebp
08048513:  89 e5                             mov    ebp, esp
08048515:  53                                push   ebx
08048516:  83 e4 f0                          and    esp, 0xf0
08048519:  83 ec 30                          sub    esp, 0x30
0804851c:  c7 44 24 14 00 00 00 00           mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x14], 0x0
08048524:  c7 44 24 10 ff ff ff ff           mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x10], 0xffffffff
0804852c:  c7 44 24 0c 32 00 00 00           mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0xc], 0x32
08048534:  c7 44 24 08 07 00 00 00           mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8], 0x7
0804853c:  c7 44 24 04 00 10 00 00           mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], 0x1000
08048544:  c7 04 24 00 00 00 80              mov    DWORD PTR [esp], 0x80000000
0804854b:  e8 b0 fe ff ff                    call   0x8048400 <mmap@plt>

Exception in thread "main" rreil.RReilGrammarException
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassemblerEvaluator.visit(RecursiveDisassemblerEvaluator.java:172)
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassemblerEvaluator.visit(RecursiveDisassemblerEvaluator.java:43)
    at rreil.lang.RReil$Branch.accept(RReil.java:1042)
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassembler.resolveSuccesors(RecursiveDisassembler.java:191)
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassembler.resolveSuccesorsWrapper(RecursiveDisassembler.java:132)
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassembler.processWorklist(RecursiveDisassembler.java:109)
    at bindead.analyses.algorithms.RecursiveDisassembler.runFrom(RecursiveDisassembler.java:95)
    at cli.Bindead.disassemble(Bindead.java:424)
    at cli.Bindead.processFile(Bindead.java:265)
    at cli.Bindead.process(Bindead.java:248)
    at cli.Bindead.main(Bindead.java:216)

I've attached this specific binary. The binary is from http://pwnable.kr/?p=probs#, and I've tried other binaries from that site and they give the same error.

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