Consider improving prompt to add course image

Issue #26 resolved
jezh created an issue

Consider the "Adding calls to action in Moodle" section of this post:

This image in particular:

Which has an "Add Image" button.

It would be worth looking to see whether we can do something like that in the course checks block. It could for example show a default image if none is loaded (based on the default tile) or the actual course image where one is added, perhaps collapsing when one is added.

Initially this could just link to the settings page.

Comments (3)

  1. jezh reporter

    Perhaps something like this, though the actual text would be rendered as a button with lang string not the image:


  2. jezh reporter

    Following our conversation I think the approach should be:

    • Move image check to top of "essentials"
    • Replace the current check with "Add Course Image" as outlined in my previous comment or "Update Course Image" as shown below


    Existing conditional logic could be used to switch:

    1. The image (default or actual course image)
    2. Button Text (Add or Update)

    Other than the image and text the behavior would not change, each would link back to the settings page.

    Finally, I think it would be useful to have this as an admin setting "Show Course Image" to switch between the current text / tick and this new format.

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