Template duplication to a new workspace no longer completing

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

Apologies if it is not appropriate for a user to post issues here. I've been using the app for over a year now and I'm very grateful for it. Starting yesterday it is no longer properly copying by template of approximately 90 tasks and subtasks to a new workspace. I've tried several times and with different templates but the hangs up without completing copy routine. There also does not appear to be a pattern as to where it hangs and whereas tasks and subtasks used to copy in the right order they are often out of sequence now.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Houston repo owner

    Sorry, that's my fault. I've moved the script from my old server to Google AppEngine as I'm trying to shut down and rebuild the old server. I've re-enabled the original version here temporarily: http://asana-old.kothar.net/

    I have a fix for the out-of-order problem, which I will apply today.

    Looking at the error log, it appears that the copy fails when the server responds slowly, so I will tune some parameters for the task queue and see if I can fix that, or detect it. I'll close this once I think I've fixed the problems you have, but please let me know if you do have any other issues.

    Regards, Mike.

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