Completed/Done Message

Issue #23 open
Toke Jepsen created an issue

Great tool!

Would be nice to see a "Done all tasks" message, so you know it processed them all.

Comments (4)

  1. Mike Houston repo owner

    Agreed - I need to do some work to track how many tasks are pending, and improve how that interacts with the rate limit on the API. With that in place it should be easier to show a more useful progress indicator and a final completion notice.

    Glad you've found it useful!

  2. Mike Houston repo owner

    Suggestion from another user:

    When the move is complete, the only indicator is the "Copy complete!" text right at the bottom of the copy window. It would be great if the "cancel" button could change to a different state to let the user know the job is done. Alternatively collapsing the transfer window?

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