Tasks with multiple projects are always assigned with the copied context project.

Issue #26 duplicate
Vova Feldman created an issue

First of all - thanks for the awesome tool! I just recently discovered Asana workspaces and figured out we've been abusing the "teams" feature instead of working in a different workspace.

Now I'm trying to move all the relevant projects to a clean workspace. I noticed that tasks with multiple projects are only copied with one project.

Am I missing something?

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Houston repo owner

    Is this the same issue as #21? Each project you copy will currently create its own duplicate of tasks within the project.

    Your description makes it sound like the opposite: only one of the projects gets a copy of the task and the others are missing?

    Obviously neither of those cases is desirable, it would be good to diagnose what's going on!

  2. Bjorn Stabell

    Okay I see. 🙁

    Well, if the simple solution is another call (I guess that would double the time/calls required), maybe that could be done first? As long as the copy is done correctly and automatically I guess waiting longer is not so bad? 🙂

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