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Moneydance-2019 / Add Security Transaction Type

Home>Extensions>Security Transaction Load Introduction>Add Security Transaction Type

When you click on Add Transaction Type the following screen is displayed:


  1. Enter a unique Transaction Type (1). This must match the field in the .csv file
  2. Select the type of change (2). There are five types: * Security Income - creates an income transaction to the security. This is added to the Investment Account but also identifies which Security it is applied to. It comes up as a miscellaneous investment income * Security Dividend - same as Security Income but identified as a DIvidend * Security Cost - the opposite of Security Income, identified as miscellaneous investment expense * Investment Income - creates an incoming bank transfer into the Investment Account * Investment Cost - creates an outgoing bank transfer from the Investment Account
  3. Select the expense or income category you wish to show on the transaction (3)
  4. Click on OK (4)

If the data is valid this screen will close.

