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Moneydance-2019 / Duplicate Tickers

Home>Extensions>Quote Loader>Duplicate Tickers

Within Moneydance Securities and Investment Accounts are separate records. Investment Accounts can have several Securities assigned to it. Securities can be assigned to several Investment Accounts. Quote Loader deals with Securities and if it saves a price for a Security that change is reflected in all Investment Accounts that have that Security Assigned.

For example: you have 3 investment accounts A, B and C.

Investment account A has Security AAPL assigned to it and you have bought 100 shares.

Investment account B has security AAPL assigned to it and you have bought 200 shares.

Investment account C has Security AAPL assigned to it and you have bought 10 shares.

There is one Security for AAPL and it is displayed within Quote Loader, you set the source to Yahoo and press Get Prices and a price of $151.48 is returned. You select it and save it. Moneydance will then calculate your investment value as:

Investment account A = 100*$151.48 = 15,148.00

Investment account B = 200**$151.48 = 30,296.00

Investment account C = 10**$151.48 = 1514.80

Most banks/brokers follow this model but some actually create separate Securities for each account even though the Stock Exchanges will only return one price. You can not create more than one Security with the same Ticker, Quote Loader will only have one line for each Ticker value and will only update the first record with a particular ticker.

To cope with the above situation Quote Loader has the concept of Primary and Secondary tickers. All Securities with a unique ticker are considered Primary tickers. If you wish to add separate Securities for this situation create the Security and give it a Ticker of xxxx#1. For example a security with a Ticker of AAPL is a Primary ticker, a Security with a ticker of AAPL#1 is a Secondary ticker. You can create multiple Secondary tickers, i.e. AAPL#2, AAPL#3 as long as they are unique.

In Quote Loader the Securities table will contain both Primary and Secondary as shown below:


In this example Security LLOY is the Primary and LLOY#2 and LLOY#3 are Secondary. See the source is set to 'Copy from Primary'. You will not be able to change this. When the quote for LLOY is returned it will be copied to LLOY#2 and LLOY#3.

If you declare a Secondary ticker without a Primary ticker the Secondary ticker will be deemed a failure and you will receive an error message.
