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Moneydance-2019 / Quote Loader Exchange Rates

Home>Extensions>Quote Loader>Exchange Rates

##The Exchange Rates Table##

The Exchange Rates Table looks like this:


The table is the same whether it is on a separate tab or on the same tab as the securities.

There will be a line for each Currency that has the 'Show on Summary Page' flag selected in the Moneydance Currency Table. The Ticker(1) is the Currency Code. If the code ends with '-' then it is a Crypto Currency. Read the PDF by Derek Kent about how Quote Loader deals with Crypto Currencies and Index values (see Crypto and Market Indices Quote_Loader_Extension_Moneydance_2019_to_2022_Handling_Cryptocurrencies_and_Market_Indices__Futures).

Select which source you wish to use for the Rate by clicking on the Source (2) and selecting the appropriate source. Your choices are:

  • FT - retrieves the current price from the Financial Times
  • Yahoo - retrieves the current price from Yahoo Finance (note 2)
  • Yahoo+TD - retrieves the current price from Yahoo Finance (note 2)
  • Yahoo HD - retrieves the current price and any missing prices since the last run from Yahoo Finance (note 1)

Note 1 - If you have selected 'Retrieved Missed Prices' on the Parameters tab (see) Quote Loader will retrieve all prices available since the Price Date (4).

Note 2 - In December, 2022 Yahoo changed their web site and the Trade Date was no longer available. The source Yahoo sets the Trade Date to the current date. A new Source called Yahoo+TD was added, this does retrieve the Trade Date, however, it uses an unofficial call which maybe stopped by Yahoo.

You can set every line by Right Clicking the Header for the Source column. You will see a menu like this:


You can set all lines to the same source by selecting the appropriate line.

Once you have set up your settings click on 'Save Changes' (3) to save them to the parameters file.

Getting Exchange Rates

The mechanism for retrieving Security Prices is started by clicking on 'Get Exchange Rates'. The screen will look like this:


The button will be greyed out whilst the quotes are retrieved. When started all New Price entries (1) will be coloured Yellow to indicate the request has been submitted. If it turns Green and a price appears then the request has been successful. If it turns Red then the request has been unsuccessful.

If the request was successful and the new Price is different than the last Price the % Chg (2) and Amt Chg (3) fields will be filled in. If a field is negative it will be coloured Red, if Positive it will be coloured Green.

Field 4 is the returned Trade Date. Note for the source Yahoo it will be the current date. If the field ends with "++" then you have chosen a source that returns History and missing prices have been retrieved.

Tracking the Progress and Saving the Results

Quote Loader will notify you of progress through the colour. Once it has finished a message will be displayed showing you how many prices were retrieved and how many errors (if any).

Once finished there will be a check box (5) against each line for which a price was retrieved. To save your results either select the individual lines you wish to save or click on 'Select All Lines' (6) which will select every line that has a price.

Once selected the lines are saved by clicking on 'Save Selected Lines' (7). The lines are saved, the Last Price is updated to the new price and the quote data is cleared.
