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Moneydance-2019 / Quote Loader Exporting

Home>Extensions>Quote Loader>Exporting Data

Quote Loader downloads its data and stores it into Moneydance. Some users need the data to be exported to an external file.

You have three ways to export data:

  1. Use the 'Create Prices CSV' button on the Securities, Exchange Rate and Securities/Exchange Rates tabs
  2. Set the Export on Save parameter
  3. Set the Export on Auto Run parameter

For options 2 and 3 Quote Loader exports the data as it saves it. This means that the data will include the % Chg and Amt Chg columns.

For option 1 Quote Loader exports the data that is shown.

For options 1 and 2 if the tab shown is the Securities tab the data exported will be for Securities. If the tab shown is the Exchange Rates the data exported will be for Exchange Rates. If the tab shown is the Securities/Exchange Rates the data exported will be for both Securities and Exchange Rates.

For option 3 if both Securities and Exchange Rates are run both will be exported but in different files.

No data is exported if the Export Folder has not been set (see Parameters)

The files generated will have the name will be 'priceexportyyyymmddhhmmss.csv' where yyyymmdd is the date and hhmmss is the time.

The data exported will be:

  • Ticker
  • Alt Ticker
  • Name
  • New Price
  • Amt Chg
  • Per Chg
  • Date
  • Volume
