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Moneydance-2019 / Report Writer Templates

Home>Extensions>Report Writer>Report Writer Templates

Jasper Report Templates are managed via Jasper Studio. You can create your own or download the templates available from other users. If you wish to make your template available to other people please send a message to mike.r.bray at Please include your template and any required graphics and the following information:

  1. File Name
  2. A short description
  3. The Report Writer records required
  4. Which Platforms you have tested it on
  5. The names of the required files

The template will be tested and then made available to other users using this screen. The screen shown below lists the templates in your JasperStudio workspace folder:


Clicking on Button (1) will present the following screen:


This is the list of available templates. It is important to take note of the 'Required Records'. The Data Selection Group you create to run this report must include these records.

The Target Platforms is also important. There is a difference to the fonts available on the different platforms. Templates developed for Windows may not work on Linux.

To select a template(s) check box (1) for those templates required and click on button (2). When you have finished click on button (3). Use button (4) to close the screen.
