
Clone wiki

Moneydance-2019 / buttons



The buttons at the bottom of the window control the functions as follows:


  1. Add a new category - either you must have deleted some categories (see button 6) or added new ones using Tools->Categories within Moneydance. Note: you will need to exit this window and reopen it if you do the latter. See Adding Categories
  2. And Button 7 - Select or Deselect all items. This will set/unset the Select flag on each line
  3. Calculate Selected - will calculate the year amount of the lines that are selected. No calculation is carried out if the amount is zero
  4. Save Parameters - this will save the current parameters as displayed in this window. The data will be saved to the same folder as the Moneydance file. You will be asked for the file name. If you leave the file name blank it will default to the internal key for the budget plus. No matter what the file name is the file will have an extension of .BPEX for expense budgets and .BPIC for income budgets.
  5. Close the window. If the parameters have been changed and not saved you will be asked if you wish to save them
  6. Delete - this will delete the selected categories. You will be asked to confirm this. You can add any deleted category back in using button 1, though any parameters for that category will be lost
  7. See button 2
  8. Same as button 3 but all lines are calculated
  9. Generate - this is the next step. It will take you to the Generate window - see Generate. If yu have previously entered the budget items manually this will over write those figures. You will be asked if you wish to proceed.
  10. Enter Manually - You will be taken to the Generate window (as with (9)) but no figures will be generated.

