"Display name" attribute in block template

Issue #100 new
Jayrope . created an issue

Could there be an additional "display name" attribute in the block xml, which should allow to use standard ascii or unicode-8 without the risk of malinterpreting for example a "<" in a name as a part of the code? As a long time PD and maxmsp user i prefer to name math operator blocks + - * / !- etc. instead of using text. This extends to math logical things, like == < >. The latter two are only possible by using html entities at the moment, which contain a ";" which again gets read as a part of code, just like "<" or ">". You see my point. This name attribute (only when present, otherwise block name) could as well be the preferred source of the displayed block name. And just think of all the PD and maxmsp users who could switch to PB coding more seemlessly.

Comments (3)

  1. snoozee

    We will consider that for the next update. I'm myself very attached to max/msp, pd habits too. However is that only the case with [math] and [logic] blocks naming convention ? Or do you would prefer to have more freedom in general ? I could alter block display from within the software for those particular blocks if that suits you.

  2. Jayrope . reporter

    I would prefer to have naming freedom for all blocks. To keep things under control, yet Latin-international you could allow only ascii 32-255, which unfortunately would exclude Asian, Cyrillic or other non-Latin letters. If UTF-8 is possible, that'll be great for all.

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