Large patches fail on Windows but not on OSX.

Issue #108 new
Samuel Webster created an issue

For example, the Shattuh reverb 0.3 patch works perfectly if I compile it onto my patchblock using Mac OS X. But does not work on any windows machine I've tried. In summary:

1) Patch cannot be compiled properly as-is onto patchblock using windows machine. Patch compiles, but has zero functionality (audio passes through, no LEDs, controls do nothing).

2) Deleting any single block allows patch to be compiled and function as it should (with missing block - but things like LEDs and other parts of the program left in tact function as expected)

3) This is true for four machines: two Win10 x64, 1x Win7 x64, 1 Win7 x32. All latest service packs etc.

4) Installing Mac OS X Mavericks in a Virtual Box on any of the above Windows PCs allows patch to be compiled and uploaded as-is (i.e. freshly downloaded through the Patchblocks software), patch compiles successfully with all blocks and functions normally.

The failed patching from windows has the same symptoms of trying to flash a patch that is too large, further evidenced by the fact that removing blocks fixes the issue. Somehow bigger patches are allowed when using OSX.

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