Maximum Values in Inspector Text Boxes

Issue #19 duplicate
Christopher Dotson created an issue

There is an apparent limit of 8,000 that can be manually entered in the Inspector tab text boxes (i.e., the 'Frequency' input in the Filter block). Clicking the increment-up arrow next to the box does not increase the value past 8000.

Tested this in a couple different blocks and can confirm that it occurs across multiple types (Filters, Multiply, etc.)

Comments (5)

  1. James Surgenor

    This is a universal safety mechanism in the Inspector. Does this cause any particular issue (ie. does it need to be made higher)?

    In theory I can't think of any reason why we couldn't push it to 10,000 (not much need for higher). In practice, the min/max values should probably be set in the XML for each socket..not sure how much work this would take though

  2. Christopher Dotson reporter

    That's what I suspected. There definitely should be a set maximum, but since the Filter blocks say they can take up to 10,000 Hz it seems we should at least make it possible to set the Frequency at that amount without needing some extra Multiplication. 8,000 seems an odd arbitrary limit in our our base-10 world. :-)

    Setting the min/max for every input in every xml would be insanely tedious, I suspect.

  3. James Surgenor

    I'll check with Sebastian on Monday, but I can't think of any reason against setting it to 10,000..

    If we did the XML thing, we would set it to +/- 10,000 if it wasn't explicitly set in the XML, that way it wouldn't break every block - it'd be an optional extra control feature for block designing? Might be nice, especially for things like feedback amounts..I don't know, just thinking out loud :)

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