Post Block Drags System

Issue #23 resolved
Christopher Dotson created an issue

EDIT: A restart of the software appears to temporarily fix the issue.

Inserting a Post block into a blank patch significantly slows down the responsiveness of the Emulator sliders and buttons. It also affects the latency of the audio signal if controls are connected. Increasing the posting interval in the Inspector tab helps remedy this, but requires intervals up to 1 second to eliminate latency. This does not occur in the 0.2 version of the software.

This has only been tested on Mac running 10.7.5, 2.16 GHz, 4GB. (not the largest amount of RAM in the world)

Example patch below. Increasing the Post interval value decreases the signal latency. AAIAAADVeJxjYGBvY3vAAAH//4MQjMnA7JtYwMBiZGZqwcDAwv6CXYKB38DawNoQiE0MQCwjRqAioFxAfnEJA4tlklEqAwMjexv7IgZOoLQeSKEhAwOPY2lKZr6Cf2lJQSlQmYV5YgoDAxP7a/apYGUQCDQlODMvlYHFJC0pCWgq+3n2QAZuExO4AqBVTAwMHM75eSVF+TnFDCxpBhamDAysHIxA58PNMQQqY2EAAKyvKq0=

Comments (10)

  1. Christopher Dotson reporter

    Latency comes back over time; a restart fixes the issue in the short term. Still trying to determine if this is only the Post block causing the issue.

  2. Christopher Dotson reporter

    Open a new patch window; insert only a Post block. Turn the Emulator on and off over the course of 30 minutes and latency gradually increases.

  3. James Surgenor

    Can you confirm if clearing the Console window (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+C) has any effect? I get the feeling this is caused by a build up of Console data

  4. James Surgenor

    I've been thinking about making the Console clear every time the user presses Emulate - this happens in other software, and would also help with this issue - any thoughts?

  5. Christopher Dotson reporter

    I had been thinking the same thing. If you could make it an option so that you could disable the auto-clear that would be ideal. I can imagine rare times that one might want to run the Emulator a few times and compare results in the Console all at once.

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