Generator Blocks - Help Text Revisions

Issue #29 resolved
Christopher Dotson created an issue


  • There's a missing period after 'delay time in samples'
  • Rewrite: "It will, however, not reduce the bitrate on... ... ... CPU hungry though." to "Although this block is more CPU hungry than Delay8, it will not reduce the bitrate of the incoming signal."


  • Change "Threshold set the values" to "Threshold sets the values"


  • Missing period at end of help text.


  • Change "bewteen" to "between"
  • The hover text for the Look-ahead input specifies this is 'in samples' but the help text says milliseconds. The xml looks as if the correct one is samples. We should also indicate in the Help text what the maximum look-ahead value is; I think it's 20 samples(?).


  • Change "Active" to bold font and remove quotation marks.
  • The last two sentences should read: Grain position, a value between 0 and 1, sets where the grain will start within the recorded buffer. Grain length, a value between 0 and 1, sets the length of the grain compared to the buffer.

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