File Menu - New Patch - Naming Convention

Issue #4 resolved
Christopher Dotson created an issue

Currently all new patch tabs are given the same name ("new patch"). Consider appending "(1)" or similar to each subsequent new patch tab.

This can simplify the dialogs displayed when attempting to close unsaved patches. Currently these indicate "Tab 1", "Tab 2", etc., when quiting the software, or are not specified at all when closing individual unsaved tabs.

Comments (7)

  1. Ryan Watson

    Just so I can be clearer on this issue. Are you suggesting that the appending be done on new patches only? Or all tabs i.e. including patches that have been opened.
    For example...
    new patch(1), new patch(2), PB303, new patch (3)
    new patch(1), new patch(2), PB303(3), new patch(4)

  2. Christopher Dotson reporter

    I'm thinking that this should be only for tabs with identical names. I don't think simply displaying the overall tab number for every open patch is useful information and would add to the visual clutter.

    • Any 'New Patch' should have a unique identifier.
    • As it's possible to open more than one instance of the same patch ("PB303"), we should also identify them uniquely.

    This is somewhat an offshoot of Issue #8, and can probably be merged or put on hold until after that one is sorted out.

  3. James Surgenor
    • changed status to open

    new naming scheme not as expected: - when closing, tab numbers are reallocated (retain + increment numbers globally) - when document is edited, tab numbers are removed (check the renaming when edited to accommodate for the new system)

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