Freeze/Crash - Mac 0.3.2

Issue #41 invalid
Christopher Dotson created an issue

Users are reporting a spinning beach ball error following installation of the 0.3.2 Mac version using Mac 10.9.5. Details are at the link below including default code to produce the error and general system info.

(Following the error reproduction process in the link, I can't recreate this bug on a machine running 10.7.5)

Comments (5)

  1. James Surgenor

    user was using a window management tool / gesture tool that was sending strange information to the software, causing unexpected behaviour

  2. Jeffrey Shell

    I encountered this too on OS X 10.10.1, (software 0.3.2 and 0.3.3) and was also running a window management tool (Moom). It might be good to warn users if others have encountered this.

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