Sequence block doesn't work with zero values

Issue #44 resolved
Giles Dring created an issue

I found the sequence block to be very buggy when trying to drive pitch of a generator from output 1 and trigger an envelope from output 2. I worked out that the trigger was coming just before the value changed, so if there were any zeroes in the sequence, the generator was happily doing nothing while the envelope opened and closed.

I posted a fix here

Comments (5)

  1. Giles Dring reporter

    The issue is that in a sequence containing zeroes, it drops out more than just the step with the zero. A four step sequence of C E . G will only ever play G and C (I think). The sample patch plays the first 2 bars of Happy Birthday, both through the standard block and through a proposed fixed block. Not recognisable in the standard block...

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