Simple patch crashes emulator after some time

Issue #45 duplicate
Maarten Michiels created an issue

I have a simple patch that consistently crashes the emulator on my system. The patch is just a Saw oscillator controlled by a Sequence and a Filter LP controlled by an LFO. It runs fine for a while. Then, after some time, it crashes. I don't even have to touch any controls.

I am running Patchblocks beta v0.3.3 on Windows 7 64bit.

The patch itself is attached below.

Comments (8)

  1. James Surgenor

    There is a known issue with the Filter LP block when it hits an exact frequency value (iirc 3700Hz?) - can you confirm that your LFO isn't satisfying this condition? There is a divide-by-zero error in this case, which will crash the emulator..

  2. Maarten Michiels reporter

    3700Hz is indeed a possible outcome for the frequency. I have tried using post (an a lower LFO frequency), and the last posted number is often somewhere near 3000.

    Well, at least I guess it is, the posted numbers show some strange behavior. In another patch, a value of 2750 is first shown as 2750, then the console alternates between 2.75e+10 and 2.75e+17.

  3. James Surgenor

    In which case, I'm happy to close this issue if you are? The Filter error is known, and relatively easy to avoid with some careful controls (although we are working on fixing it of course!).

    The odd numbers are most likely something to do with Post not showing exactly what's going on - it runs at control rate and might miss a few expected numbers every now and again? Might be worth making a really basic patch and posting it to the Community forum for others to have a look at.

  4. Maarten Michiels reporter

    I have obtained my example console values from a patch that directly routes a Number with value 2750 a Post object. I'll post it to the forum (or create an issue if you like).

  5. Maarten Michiels reporter

    The patch indeed works if I avoid the buggy frequency (which is 3.200, as I now found in the known bugs). This issue can be closed.

  6. Maarten Michiels reporter

    As for the issue with Post, I'm unable to reproduce this after restarting the editor.

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