midi in object does not interpret note message with velocity 0 as note off

Issue #51 closed
Timo Rozendal created an issue

Vandueren was correct in the forum (http://patchblocks.com/groups/hardware/post/midi-input-troubles) that midi functionality is currently very limited due to the coding of the objects.

The current standard implementation of a note off in midi gear and software is to send a note on messages with velocity zero, this is not interpreted as such by the midi in object.

Comments (3)

  1. Timo Rozendal reporter

    there is much more weird stuff going on, I am currently rewriting the midi part of the firmware and it will certainly improve some parts, I contact you as soon as I have something presentable

  2. Jochen Seidel

    I believe this is related to Issue #84, which was marked as closed as well. However, the problem still persists in version 0.5.2, using the Midiblock v2.0

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