Save destroys patch

Issue #60 resolved
Jürgen Moßgraber created an issue

It happened now several times to me that after saving a patch it was broken when I reopen it. Sometime blocks or connections are missing or the editor crashes completely. This makes it highly unrealiably and I always have to check if it is broken and replace it with a backup.

I am running Windows 8.1 64 bit.

Attached is an example.

Comments (6)

  1. Poindexter Frink

    Can you provide a "backup" file that works, and the steps you took to make the patch break? So:

    working.pbp broken.pbp

    And the exact steps you took after working that created broken.


  2. Jürgen Moßgraber reporter

    I would like to but so far it is too random to reproduce. It might be related to copy/paste. I could several times reproduce it by inserting a patch from the clipboard and simply saving it several times but also this did not happen all the time.

  3. Poindexter Frink

    Agreed, this is related to copy/paste. I have been able to reproduce the same bug in your attached patch as well as issue 67's attachment.

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