Traveling through worlds issue

Issue #14 new
Apex VII created an issue

This happened yesterday - 2/25/15 - being god, the /god command is always on whenever I log in (keep in mind, I never turn my god off unless an admin messes with me). When I went to gcheck a particular number from overworld to the nether, my god command did an inverse function (it turned off).

Now, I retested my speculation and it did the same thing! For those whom are curious to retest my hypothesis, here are the following things you have to do; 1. Initially be in overworld (it doesn't matter where) and have /god on 2. exe the command /gcheck for the nether (you'll be shot right into the nether) 3. Now jump into lava and voilĂ  you're dead This got tested twice on my end without fail

I believe the issue lies in the whole "You have 'god' for ~20 seconds" - the execution of the plugin is probably doing an inverse profile for said individual doing the gcheck. So, hence, a normal moderator non-god doing a gcheck gets "god" for a short time span, meanwhile, a god-moderator with god on, would have no god when doing a gcheck.

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