Exec commands do not override worldedit commands

Issue #15 new
Anna Bakker created an issue

This is either an issue with Exec or classicloader I believe.

Adding commands to exec with the same command name as canary or vanilla or other commands (such as /spawnmob) overrides the existing command. But this does not happen with worldedit commands (such as /up).

What happens instead is both the exec version of /up and the worldedit version of /up are being used at the same time. I have tried disabling the wordedit up command in permissions but it didn't seem to change anything.

Reordering where exec and worldedit are in the plugins list also does not change this.

Likely this is also the reason many commands use different names like /drought instead of /drain, or /chill instead of /snow and /heatwave instead of /thaw.

Possibly /glass or /view could be added as a /up replacement name. Or for the worldedit command itself to be modified

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