Add an option for lastseen command to see when 2 players were on together.

Issue #17 new
Andrew W created an issue

When doing lastseen have the option to pick 2 names with spaces in between to see if they were ever on at the same time. You could just track joins by dates from both players and see if they match(if they don’t match then it could stop to save work). If so then you would have to check specific times to see if they overlap. The last time both players were on together would be shown in output. It might be tedious to do but it would be fun to see the last time you and a friend were on at the same time. It might also come in handy for groups of griefers to see if they were on the same time together. I am guessing not all the times players log on and off is not stored so it might be impractical to add.

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