Attack by an unknown attacker (1.7)

Issue #18 new
Riot created an issue

From the 1.7 test server: [WARN]: [FishyShield] Attack by an unknown attacker! Please add EntityZombie to com.minecraftonline.fishyshield.MobClass!

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan Steinheimer

    For Canary Recode, I've divided the plugin in a way that felt more natural to me:

    The configuration format has changed a bit, too. The plugins use separate files and the standard Recode mechanism (separate files in subdirectories) for per-world configuration support. World and other prefixes have been removed from the config variables. Without a config file, default configurations will be generated that you can then adapt to use the previous values.

    Caveat: None of these have been tested with recent versions of Canary Recode - they only use standard Canary API calls, but they've all been developed for Minecraft 1.6.x, so they might not compile or have new bugs.

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