console spam from server start on 1.4.6

Issue #1 on hold
Riot created an issue

2012-12-31 02:01:10 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class lionsAreaListener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_POSITIONCHANGE'. java.lang.NullPointerException at laCheck.getZoneInfo( at lionsAreaListener.onVehiclePositionChange( at PluginLoader.callHook( at OEntityMinecart.j_( at OWorld.a( at OWorldServer.a( at OWorld.g( at OWorld.h( at OWorldServer.h( at OMinecraftServer.r( at ODedicatedServer.r(SourceFile:248) at OMinecraftServer.q( at at

Comments (3)

  1. Alexandra Stehr

    You have made sure that the database is running? :) Checking if it is every time i ask it something would add too much overhead so i just assume that it runs.

  2. Alexandra Stehr

    And yes, i check at the start of LA if the DB is up. Canary just won't listen to the disable command.

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