Head placement not blocked in protected areas.

Issue #4 new
Jake Hogan created an issue

I just confirmed this after a puzzling case of someone being directed to the rules for addition grief in spawn with heads. An area flagged as protected won't prevent people from placing heads in it, but once placed those heads can't be removed by anyone without permissions, including the one who placed it.

Comments (3)

  1. Alexandra Stehr

    Bug caused by Mojang idiocrysis. Placing a skull is an item usage. :/ Please someone check for every item that can be used and hence placed but shouldn't in a protected area and report it back to me. Or add them yourself to lionsAreaListener.onItemUse:83 into the if starting at 96.

    I want to refactor that later into an array that can be setted in the propertie file, but i will be driving to my parents in about half an hour for the weekend.

  2. 14mRh4X0r

    Same applies to reed. Here's a list with items that can be used to create blocks/block-like entities:

    • 259 - flint and steel (fire)
    • 287 - string (tripwire)
    • 295 - seeds
    • 321 - painting
    • 323 - sign
    • 324 - wood door
    • 330 - iron door
    • 331 - redstone
    • 338 - reed
    • 354 - cake
    • 355 - bed
    • 356 - repeater
    • 361 - pumpkin seeds
    • 362 - melon seeds
    • 372 - netherwart
    • 379 - brewing stand
    • 380 - cauldron
    • 385 - fire charge (fire)
    • 389 - item frame
    • 390 - flower pot
    • 391 - carrot (planting)
    • 392 - potato (planting)
    • 397 - head
    • 404 - comparator
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