Lightning doesn't work on renegade/obrussa

Issue #2 resolved
Stefan Steinheimer created an issue

but it does work as expected on my test server with only WE, CBX, and lionsCommands. On the mco servers, you can hear the thunder and blocks get set on fire, but the lightning doesn't show. I suspect a conflict with some other plugin.

Comments (3)

  1. Riot

    Perhaps WorldGuard is interfering in some way? Perhaps try disabling plugins on Obrussa and enabling them one by one until it fails? Also, Obrussa is no longer current with the latest jenkins, i'll bring it up to date today.

  2. Stefan Steinheimer reporter

    Some further testing revealed that it's not plugin related. If it works or not seems to depend on the coordinates of the player and the targeted block. Minecraft or Canary bug. Works reliably around x=0, z=0, that's why I didn't see it on my test server at first.

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